
There is a small place here, which is kiddy corner to ShadowClan territory, where the path is quite narrow. Due to the this WindClan guards this area diligently. Worried that the shadowy cats across the way will take advantage of the easy break from the trees and bolt across the path.
These mighty cliffs mark where WindClan territory must end. Beyond those frightening heights is RiverClan land. Young cats are told to stay away from this area and fights are generally abstained here. Lower down, closer to the bridge is an area where WindClan tries to encroach. The water is easily reached here and many times RiverClan cats will push their boundaries if not watched.
Here , where the small stream fades into neutral territory, is where WindClan and ThunderClan territory briefly meet.Since the cover of the tree line is gone here most of these moorland cats worry not about any invasion. Believing the cats simply would feel unwelcome beneath the open sky.

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WindClan Borders
WindClan's borders end after their open expanse of territory first at the Thunderpath, and then with the Clan to their right. Their first border is marked with ShadowClan at the frightening rumble of the Thunderpath,, while with RiverClan their border meets at the deep gouge within the earth called the gorge.
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